Atiq Ur Rehman

Atiq Ur Rehman

Passionate Android Developer crafting apps that are not just visually stunning, but also a delight to use.

About Me

I'm a Remote Freelance Android Developer with more than 7 years of experience. I have developed/maintained apps with 1M+ monthly active users. I am super passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Currently ranked in top 1% on StackOverflow in Android tag with over 14k+ reputation. Sometimes I give talks. Open to remote positions & contracts.


Drums Maker: Drum Simulator

I spearheaded the design and development of this app from the ground up for a client.
By implementing Unidirectional Data Flow with Kotlin, MVVM architecture, Dagger (Hilt), LiveData, and RoomDB, I crafted a top-rated, feature-rich application that has amassed over 500k+ downloads on the Play Store. It is one of the most highly-rated apps in its category.
One of the most challenging aspects of this project was implementing dynamic layouts that seamlessly adapt to varying screen sizes, ensuring an optimal user experience across devices.
As the sole developer, I took ownership of the entire project lifecycle, from initial planning to ongoing maintenance. Additionally, I integrated Google Play Billing for subscriptions.

Wallpapers (MVP)

This is a wallpaper application that I conceived and developed as a prototype from scratch.
The app fetches wallpapers from a Firebase backend, aiming to offer users a gorgeous and user-friendly experience. Inspired by Google's wallpaper app, it efficiently manages image downloads and caching using the Glide Module.
The app employs an MVVM architecture, with Koin utilized for Dependency Injection, ensuring modularity and maintainability.
To enhance user experience, the app prioritizes the downloading of lower-quality images for quick previews, gradually fetching HD images in the background.
Key technologies utilized in the development include Kotlin, MVVM, Material Design, Android Architecture Components, Paging, Glide, Koin, and Firestore.

DEG: Exclusive App for Private Tech Event Attendees

This app was kind of private social network for event attendees, where they can communicate with each other, book different sessions in the event, view gallary.
I took over the development phase midway and delivered it 2 days before the deadline.
Introduced real-time chat functionality via the Quickblox chat API, fostering instant communication among attendees. Used Retrofit for efficient REST API consumption and Gson for seamless JSON data conversion. Implemented offline-first capability using Jetpack-Room. Added a dynamic image gallery, using Glide and PhotoView, offering users a rich visual experience with smooth zooming functionality.
Technologies Utilized: Java, MVP Architecture, Dagger2, RxJava, ExoPlayer, EventBus, Firebase Push Notifications.

Simple Drums Pro

I developed this drumming app for a client from the ground up, crafting it into one of the most popular app on the Play Store with 1M+ downloads. Packed with features like drum play recording and background loops, it offers users an immersive musical experience. Leveraging Android Audio APIs and libraries such as SoundPool and MediaPlayer, the app delivers seamless audio performance.
Throughout the entire lifecycle of the application, from development to maintenance and deployment, I spearheaded its evolution, ensuring its continued success.
Technologies Utilized: Java, Realm, Dagger2, Google Play Billing.

Open Educational Forum

I was responsible for the design and development of 10+ educational apps leveraging Material Design, Fragments, ViewPager, RxJava, and PDFViewer. These apps have collectively amassed over 5 million downloads on the Play Store, serving students with study materials.
Taking full ownership of the project lifecycle, I developed each app from initial design phase through to Google Play Store submission. My responsibilities included app development, publishing, and managing the Play Store account..

7 Minute Workout

I integrated in-app purchases using Google Play Billing, enhancing the app's revenue stream. My contributions extended to implementing new features and providing ongoing support, ensuring the app's functionality and user experience remained top-notch.

Abdaar - Food, Groceries & Medicine Delivery

Responsible for addressing bugs, providing ongoing support, and implementing new features for Abdaar. Utilized Java, Firebase Push notifications, and Google Maps to enhance user experience and optimize delivery services.


Android Developer

Remote Freelance Android Developer, Jan 2017 - Present
Throughout my tenure as a remote freelance Android Developer, I've developed multiple new applications, each garnering over 1 million downloads on the Play Store. Additionally, I've maintained and enhanced an existing portfolio of apps, collectively serving over 1 million daily active users.


Languages & Frameworks

Kotlin, Java, Jetpack Compose, Kotlin Coroutines, Material Design, Android Jetpack(Room, hilt, paging), Android Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData), Retrofit, RxJava, Dagger2, Koin.


Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automated testing.